Audio & Video Production

Teachable Moment Podcast

This project combines my love of storytelling through podcasts with my passion for diversity, equity, and inclusion in all spheres of life, but specifically, within education. This podcast was recorded and edited using Adobe Audition. 

Women of Color in Climbing

I created this news feature to highlight the paucity of individuals who identify as female and Black, Indigenous, or People of Color in the rock climbing community. I composed interview questions, filmed in various locations, and then compiled and edited this video using Adobe Premiere. 

Adopt Don't Shop

This short social service announcement alerts people to the harmful conditions that exist in puppy mills as well as the overwhelming number of dogs living in shelters who need good homes. I created this video by shooting in various locations, compiling images from friends who have adopted their dogs, and editing in Adobe Premiere. 

Visit Denver

This project showcases my hometown, Denver, Colorado. To create this video, I traveled to various locations in and around Denver to collect a wide range of visitor options. This video is narrated and incorporates different styles of music to create varying moods for viewers. I compiled and edited shots using Adobe Premiere.

Mobile How-To

This short "mobile" how-to is intended to be viewed on a smartphone or tablet. The objective was to create a video that teaches viewers a basic skill in a short amount of time. Music and on-screen text were utilized to teach viewers how to wax a snowboard. This video was edited using Adobe Premiere.

Citation Quick Guide

This quick guide to citations gives learners an overview of the what, why, and when of citing sources. I created this animation using Vyond. It incorporates narration, music, and effects to engage learners in a fun and lighthearted learning experience.